Admission Process will be conducted in the First week of November.
As per the Court’s Order, no interviews can be conducted for admission, so students will be selected as per the draw of lots but complete transparency will be maintained. A final list of selected candidates will be put up on the notice board. Admission charges should be deposited on the same day lest the privilege is lost for getting admission in St. Thomas Senior Secondary School. The same cannot be challenged in any court of law.
Application for registration of only those children who attain a minimum age of 2 years 3 months & maximum of 3 years & 3 months on March 31 that current year will be entertained. (Incomplete forms will not be accepted).
In proof there to, it is mandatory on the part of parents to submit an attested photocopy of the date of birth certificate from the Municipal Corporation & Aadhar Card (attested photocopy) along with the registration form at the time of registration. However, please note that the Registration of a child does not guarantee admission.
The children will be enrolled for registration from 1st Nov. of the preceding year with a non-refundable Registration Fee (which includes Prospectus, Admission form etc.)