About School

St. Thomas Senior Secondary School is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. Since its inception in 1971, the school has established an identity of its own and has become one of the leading educational institutions in North India. This school now has strength of more than 3000 students whose academic, mental, physical and cultural needs are taken care of by a team of around 200 efficient and dedicated members of the teaching & non-teaching staff.
St. Thomas School is situated at CNI Mission Compound, Brown Road, adjacent to the Kalvary Church and the Christian Medical College, Ludhiana. The management of St. Thomas School is vested in the Governing body which manages the affairs of the school with the Bishop of the Diocese of Chandigarh, as its Chairman. The Society by foundation, tradition and character is essentially religious in nature. It is the Society’s intention that in St. Thomas School, all children of the Christian community should, by study and instructions, be led to the knowledge of Jesus Christ as the saviour and be built up in the Christian faith, witness and service. The same privileges are available to other students if they so desire.
Our approach to education is to remove the gap between the present education system and strive for sociao-economic justice by providing high quality, value based education in a conducive environment with a good foundation in English and also to provide basic insight and understanding into the social, economic and political structure of our society. The school has arrangements for co-curricular activities, sports and games which contribute immensely towards the holistic and harmonious development of the children. Each day the school begins with morning devotion and reflection, which is an integral part of the school life.